The IEWTO Autumn Seminars took place on Saturday September 8th and Sunday September 9th. For the first time at an IEWTO seminar we had access to a Wooden Dummy which allowed for some invaluable time working the dummy under Sifu's guidance.
As usual both the Instructor and IEWTO seminars began with Sifu Tausend looking at the forms.
At the Instructor seminar Sifu Tausend spoke about the circles hidden within the movements and the need to seek them out and focus on them when training the forms.
With the emphasis still very much on inner Wing Tsun the instructors were given some drills to work on Saturday and some homework to carry into the forms and sections.
Sifu also spoke about denying the opponent any counterforce and illustrated this with some turning drills for when pressure comes from the side.
After working some drills for turning towards pressure and using the turn as a pull, attention switched to grades and student programmes.
Congratulations to all those who graded but in particular to Maurice and Michal, who were awarded their second Higher Grades and Andrea and Eddie who were awarded their first.
We'd like to thank Sifu Tausend for his excellent instruction and we look forward to seeing him again in 2019.