The EWTO is launching a Chain Punch Challenge on Monday, February 15th. The challenge runs until 7pm (6pm Ireland time) on Wednesday February 24th and in that time they hope to capture 10,000 punches on video.
This, honestly, seems like a very easy target, especially given that between us we managed well over 1,000 punches in 60 seconds in class last night.
That said, we're still going to take part. If you would like to join us all you have to do is, in a video of no more than 60 seconds, record yourself chain punching. Post it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram tagging the EWTO and including the hastag #KettenfaustChallenge and let them know how many punches are in the video. While you're at it you might as well tag us!
Once you've done that send an emil to letting them know.